October, the month where we see sunshine on a rainy day and colours heralding a new season, as we usher in Autumn in all its glory. Leaves ageing on trees create a beautiful palette of ambers, russet, tawny beige and oranges, their tones soft yet saturated with wonderful colours.

Amber is halfway between yellow and orange on the colour wheel, and orange and rust tones are known for being transitional colours.

There’s an actual element of psychology that goes into home staging that not many people realise.

Take colour and light for example. The way we use colour and bring light into a room dramatically impacts a person’s mood once they are in that room.

Some rooms have poor lighting, but that doesn’t make it a room to be ignored, quite the opposite. Instead, we use poor lighting to our advantage, creating a calming space filled with complimentary lighting for warmth.

Often, it helps to introduce colour which gives the effect of light.

With a different colour being introduced each month depending on the trend at the time, can have different effects on the way we see a room. 

Warm up your home, creating a soothing yet cosy environment with amber coloured vases, rust coloured ceramic bowls and throws

Book a consultation with me: 

Colour can turn an ordinary house into an extraordinary home. As professional Stager, we can help you determine which shades will work best for your home—inside and out.

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